Emergency Management
Under the general direction of the Chief of Police, the Emergency Management Division coordinates emergency planning initiatives for the University. This division is responsible for the development and/or maintenance of the University of New Hampshire Emergency Operations Plan and department/college level Emergency Action Plans.
The Emergency Management Division provides assistance in University-level planning (including the Crisis and Emergency Management Plan, Continuity Plan, and Hazard Mitigation Plan) as necessary. The Emergency Management Division may also conduct associated training, exercising, and outreach activities in support of the emergency management program. The division is responsible for the Durham, Manchester and Franklin Pierce School of Law campuses.
Emergency Operations Plan (Link to Public EOP)
The UNH Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) is a document that cites legal basis, states its objectives, and acknowledges assumptions in times of emergency. The EOP document:
- Assigns responsibility for carrying out specific actions at projected times and places in an emergency that exceeds the capability or routine responsibility of any one agency.
- Sets forth lines of authority and organizational relationships and shows how all actions will be coordinated.
- Describes how people and property will be protected in emergencies and disasters.
- Identifies personnel, equipment, facilities, supplies, and other resources available--within the jurisdiction or by agreement with other jurisdictions--for use during response and recovery operations.
- Identifies steps to address mitigation concerns during response and recovery activities.
Emergency Action Plan (Link to General EAP)
The University of New Hampshire must be ready at all times for a wide array of emergencies. Emergency Action Plans (EAP) prepare ourselves before anything worse happens during an accident. There are specific Emergency Action plans covering individual buildings or colleges. If you are not aware of a specific EAP covering you, refer to the General EAP that specifies the evacuation plans and other procedures needed to be taken in case of emergency. The EAP document covers
- Evacuation of buildings
- Response to fire and emergency medical incidents
- Response to fire, floods or chemical spills
- Response to an active threat incident
Having an emergency plan is critical to saving lives and property. UNH Emergency Action Plans are designed to respond to and reduce the impact of any immediate risks or threats.
The Emergency Management Division also serves as a Liaison to local Police, Fire and EMS Departments as well as local hospital emergency departments. Serves as the liaison to State of NH Homeland Security & Emergency Management as well as to Federal Partners.
The Emergency Management Division oversees the Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) program for the University. It is responsible for the placement and upkeep of all AEDs on UNH properties. It also assists in the instruction of CPR and AEDs. For a campus map showing all AED's on the Durham campus, click here. If you would like to schedule AED training for your group, email our AED Coordinator.
Click here to view the Youtube video on how to use an AED by Phillips.
Stop The Bleed®
UNH is in the process of placing Stop The Bleed® kits in all AED boxes; check to see if the AED’s in your area have Stop The Bleed® kits. According the American College of Surgeons (ACS), uncontrolled bleeding from trauma is a major cause of preventable death for people of all ages. Someone with a severe bleeding injury can bleed to death within minutes without proper intervention. Recognizing every individual’s power to help control a bleeding injury until first responders arrive, the ACS led the development of the STOP THE BLEED® program more than a decade ago. To view how to use a Stop The Bleed® Kit, click here for the Youtube video from ACS.
For more information on emergency planning, please click on these suggested links: